lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

My personal  experience using blogs in the english class of the university was really good, I thin that is funny write in english, and is more easy than speak in english for example. Before of write you can think about the topic and the words that you want to use, but when you have to speak is not time to think too much.
In the university I improve in my english writing, and I know that because now this don´t take me so much time, obviously I have some errors in my writing, sometimes a lots of errors.
I think that I need improve my vocabulary and expand it, because a lot of times I forget the words and I have that recourse to some page of translation, but I try to don´t use it to much, and remember the word or maybe look for other way to say the phrase that I want to say. I plan improve in this aspect, listening to music in english, and watching movies in the same language, I think that this is a good way to learn more words and learn to hear.
In the future I would like know all about the english, but specially I would like speak fluidly, and know all the words that I want say, also I would like know perfectly the conjugations of the verbs, and I think that write in english is an a good form of practice and learn.
I would like write about my career, could give more detailed information about it, and explain more things, but I think that for this I need know more words.

5 comentarios:

  1. the errors are parts of the learning experience and all skills what you are learn it needs be used, now i don't use anything of english but if you like travel you need it.

    see ya!

  2. Before, I think that write don't used for lear english, but now, I think that is so important. To much word I know how I say, but I don't know how I write.

    Good luck

  3. Me too happens to me, sometimes I think I can not understand the different ways to write the words, as they have different meanings.
    Blogging is fun and really helps to increase vocabulary. When I have to speak English in classes sometimes do not know what word to use!

  4. I think that a good exercise to know if your English is good, is trying to explain our career to foreigner people... if you could do it without problems, congratulations!

    Something that is really helpful is watch movies or tv series on English, and the subtitles actived on English too, so in that way you hear the word and inmediatly know how to write it ;)

  5. great!, it`s a really good experience, is very important maintain the practice, above everything, that can getting on with much fluency in other country`s.
